The Vizhnitzer Rebbe of Bnei Brak is escorted as he leaves for a trip to the town of Vizhnitz to daven at the kever of the Tzemach Tzaddik zt”l upon his yahrtzeit…

Chassidim on the plane en route to Vizhnitz.

…with a special announcement from the plane steward.

The Vizhnitzer Rebbe arriving in Vizhnitz.

En route to the kever, aboard the train, a mi shebeirach in honor of a newborn baby. #Simchos

Heading to the kever.

Arriving at the kever of the Tzemach Tzaddik to daven…

Tefillos at the kever, led by the rebbe.

The Vizhnitzer Rebbe at his Rosh Chodesh tish in Vizhnitz/Vyzhnytsia in the historical region of Bukovina on the Cheremosh River in Chernivtsi Oblast of western Ukraine.