V’al titsheinu Hashem Elokeinu lanetzach.
The mitzvah of today: emunah and bitachon. Rav Yitzchok Sorotzkin addressing the asifas hodaah.
“Rav Osher was our shliach tzibbur.”
The secret of Rav Osher’s serenity: “I always knew the Ribono Shel Olam is watching over me.”
A letter from his father zt”l, with a Rambam that would carry him through the dark days…
Rousing applause for the wonderful legal team that worked on Rav Eisemann’s behalf.
“I’m here to bring the achdus together.”
Comments from lead attorney Lee Vartan. “I have never had the opportunity to represent someone who is absolutely innocent.”
“We could not have done what we did without each and every one of you.”
“This man is a pillar in your community, as you well know.”
Rav Yeruchem Olshin: “It’s not enough to thank Hashem with our words. We have to thank Hashem with our avodas Hashem.”