Khal Mevakshei Hashem, led by Rav Yussie Zakutinsky, is the Adopt-a-Kollel partner of Yeshivas Shaar Shomayim for mekubolim, whose rosh kollel is the renowned mekubal Rav Gamliel Rabinowitz. Today, Rav Gamliel delivered a special shiur via live video to the kehillah, but first, the kehillah members serenaded Rav Gamliel, singing in his honor, celebrating the unique zechus to partner with a revered gadol in this fashion.
Khal Mevakshei Hashem, led by Rav Yussie Zakutinsky, is the Adopt-a-Kollel partner of Yeshivas Shaar Shomayim for mekubolim, whose rosh kollel is the renowned mekubal Rav Gamliel Rabinowitz. Today, Rav Gamliel delivered a special shiur via live video to the kehillah, but first, the kehillah members serenaded Rav Gamliel, singing in his honor, celebrating the unique zechus to partner with a revered gadol in this fashion.