…Zanvil Weinberger providing the inspiration with this Yossi Green classic.
Beginning the program with heartfelt Tehillim led by Rav Shimon Galei…
…and divrei hisorerus from Rav Galei.
A plea from the London crowd for our Father to open those gates for good…
Rav Nissan Kaplan addressing the siyum.
Boruch Levine leading the crowd in his own composition, one that has earned a special place in the world of neginah.
The golden voice of Motty Steinmetz rings out in The Big Smoke.
Hershey Weinberger adding his flavor to the celebration…
Moshe Mordechai Rosenblum directing the music of the siyum.
Singing Rav Don Segal’s niggun…
כִִּי הִיא לָנוּ עֹז וְאוֹרָה
At the Dirshu siyum, a moving medley in memory of Yigal Calek z”l, master composer and choir leader of the London School of Jewish Song.
MBD’s song, Crack of Dawn, composed by Yossi Green, put to different lyrics for this event, the words of Acheinu laden with meaning.